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dragon tomb

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category Fantasyauthor LongZhustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1484941 Wordslatest update 2024-03-26
total hits 22Month hits 1Week hits 0
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dragon tombBrief introduction:

Our ancestors used to be Feng Shui masters, but our generation has become a dirty trick. From childhood curiosity about witchcraft, the protagonist has to find mysterious dragon tombs buried under the invisible mountains and rivers to decipher the witchcraft on his body.  Curse, accidentally revealed the secret of Chi You's battle with the ancient god Huangdi.
Looking back at the Chinese civilization for thousands of years, despite the changes and dynasties, the belief in and maintenance of the supreme imperial power seems to be the pursuit of feudal emperors. They searched hard for the elixir of immortality during their lifetime, hoping to enjoy the power of heaven forever, and they could not give up luxury after death.  With his grandeur, he built the imperial mausoleum to be as beautiful as a golden tomb, leaving behind many tombs of emperors and dragons.

      Keywords:dragon tomb LongZhu dragon tombRead the full text dragon tombTXT download

      dragon tomblatest chapter:Text Chapter 324 The Legendary World

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