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Endless magical power

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category Fantasyauthor LingYinHustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3716976 Wordslatest update 2024-03-26
total hits 20Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Endless magical powerBrief introduction:

A "real useless" martial arts practitioner with low qualifications and poor understanding.
There is a "fit" between the skill and the warrior. The higher the fit, the faster the practice. It is said that after the fit reaches seven points, every additional point will double the training efficiency!  In an accident, Yang Shuo gained the ability to check the compatibility between himself and the martial arts...
Geniuses cultivate the secret code of magical skills, consume countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and spend their entire lives, barely reaching the threshold of the martial saint realm.
Yang Shuo cultivates low-level skills and strides towards the peak of martial arts...
"My qualifications are only suitable for practicing low-level skills?"
"The low-level skills that you regard as rubbish, in my opinion, may not be peerless magical skills that have a perfect fit of 10, 12, or even higher!!!"
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