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police god

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category Fantasyauthor JingYeJiSaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4648935 Wordslatest update 2024-03-26
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police godBrief introduction:

He was once the biggest playboy in Forty-Nine City, but he was severely beaten for "molesting" his widowed sister-in-law. He was severely traumatized physically and mentally, and almost became a cripple. He was expelled from the family because of this.
“Idle, uneducated, timid, and good-for-nothing, he has been labeled with countless labels, and he has become an existence that everyone can ridicule and ignore.
Suddenly, he became a sharpshooter who can snipe serious criminals, and he also possesses unpredictable abilities. While observing the world indifferently, he will directly kill anyone who tries to invade his relatives or friends around him!
Because he comes from the future, he is the strongest agent in the future.
This book group number is 30612456. Friends who like this book are welcome to join the group.
【The Police Trilogy's "Police God", Quiet Night 2012's return to the urban masterpiece, is carefully crafted and absolutely wonderful.  The previous "Super Patrol" and "Dan Police" were both masterpieces with over 10,000 orders for the first time. If you think this book has a small number of words, you can read Jing Ye's old book first.  】

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      police godlatest chapter:Text Chapter 951 Life of the Immortal Couple (Finale)

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