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super aura

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category Fantasyauthor PaTaiShanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2964188 Wordslatest update 2024-03-26
total hits 19Month hits 1Week hits 0
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super auraBrief introduction:

Eating wild ginseng can produce spiritual energy that accumulates in Niwan Palace!  !
     What?  What can Reiki do, you ask?
Yesterday, I brought a pearl that was a little bigger than a pigeon egg to the store. Others were surprised to say it was a rare treasure and offered a million. In fact, it was just an ordinary pearl that I had processed with spiritual energy. I have a lot of it at home!  !
"Black Tornado, come here quickly!"
As soon as I finished speaking, a black shadow came towards me. The Siberian tiger was not that big. This black-backed dog was nourished by my spiritual energy and grew in size every day. Others said that this was a rare mutant species that could only be seen in a century!  !
I bought a turtle. Now the turtle shell is twenty meters in diameter. I put it in the sea. While others went out to sea to ride yachts, I went out to sea to ride a turtle!  !

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