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is God

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category Fantasyauthor YuDeTianKongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2928535 Wordslatest update 2024-04-08
total hits 20Month hits 0Week hits 0
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is GodBrief introduction:

"Why can't I become a magician?" "Child, magic is the most magical power in the world. If we want to fully control it, we must use the power of God. There is only one possibility that you cannot sign a contract with God. You are abandoned by God.  People, how can people who have been abandoned by gods practice magic?" "Why do you need to sign a contract with God to practice magic, and there is another possibility if you can't make a contract with God!" "What is possible?" "I am a god too!" Nine years old  Gaia replied.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

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