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Prehistoric playground

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category Fantasyauthor GaiFangZiLastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1252037 Wordslatest update 2024-03-25
total hits 19Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Prehistoric playgroundBrief introduction:

The ancient world is vast, boundless, and filled with billions of creatures. It is the most unpredictable existence.  But for Bai Ye, prehistoric times are just a game ground.
【Name: Baiye】
[Level: Level 0 - Prehistoric Creatures]
【Innate camp: Human race】
【Faction reputation: 0】
【Merit: 0】
【Karma: 0】
【Experience: 0%】
"Yeah. The initial data is a bit low, but it doesn't matter, I can practice! The mission module, camp module, and social module have all been turned on! The Supreme Saint is only a level 78 saint, so I can catch up!"
Book club group: 211374100 Group name: Honghuang Game Center Planning and Management Department

      Keywords:Prehistoric playground GaiFangZiLa Prehistoric playgroundRead the full text Prehistoric playgroundTXT download

      Prehistoric playgroundlatest chapter:Prehistoric Game Ground 5200 Text 301. The end of everything, the beginning of everything

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