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Almighty Thief

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category Fantasyauthor DeGuaDaShustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2108713 Wordslatest update 2024-03-25
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Almighty ThiefBrief introduction:

The highest level of a thief is not to steal objects or skills, but to steal people!
After waking up, Chen Xiao found that he had the ability to steal items, skills... and NPCs in martial arts games.
What should I do if the house price is too high?  Steal from the game!  Various ancient and exquisite houses.
What to do if there is no woman?  Steal from the game!  Huanwan, Xiao Longnu, Huang Rong, Xiangxiang...
What to do if there is no bodyguard?  Steal from the game!  Dugu Qiubai, Li Xunhuan, Feng Qingyang, Zhang Sanfeng...
What should men and women do if they are tired of cheating?  Don't be afraid!  Steal Dongfang Bubai out!
System prompt: "The little dragon girl who was just veiled by Yin Zhiping is being transmitted..."

      Keywords:Almighty Thief DeGuaDaShu Almighty ThiefRead the full text Almighty ThiefTXT download

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