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starry sky

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category Fantasyauthor FengKuangBingPaoXiaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3034796 Wordslatest update 2024-03-22
total hits 20Month hits 2Week hits 0
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starry skyBrief introduction:

The strong men on the Star Continent practice through the power of stars.
The higher the level of the natal star, the higher the talent will be.
The world-famous Ziwei Star Emperor, Qiyao Star God, Beidou, Nandou and other legendary main stars have created colorful myths on the continent and become eternal legends.
Lei Xiang, this young man who came to this strange continent by chance, was treated as Caigua without a native star and lived for fourteen years until he met the most powerful Ziwei Star Emperor in the continent.
"Your main star is at your feet."
A new legend begins to be written from this moment on!
The names of the stars in this article come from ancient star maps and legends. They are not popular astronomy books. Please do not take them seriously.
In addition, Er Bing has opened Weibo on Tencent, just search for Crazy Bing Roar, you can listen to it

      Keywords:starry sky FengKuangBingPaoXiao starry skyRead the full text starry skyTXT download

      starry skylatest chapter:Text Chapter 450, Finale

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