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Almighty urban overlord

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category Fantasyauthor CanJianAAAAstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1558541 Wordslatest update 2024-03-21
total hits 20Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Almighty urban overlordBrief introduction:

With the master-level life career skills in the game, rebirth the city.
Pharmacist, cook, blacksmith, tailor, gatherer.
In addition to making medicine, pharmacists can also practice medicine, acupuncture, and control acupuncture points to kill people.
In addition to making food that improves physical fitness, chefs can also use kitchen utensils superbly. Because of their dexterity, they can also become the king of kings in the casino.
In addition to being proficient in forging weapons and firearms, a blacksmith must also be able to control the strength of the muscles throughout the body. Therefore, a blacksmith can also become a master of dance such as hip-hop and mechanical dance, as well as a master of singing and imitation shows.
As for tailors, in the eyes of master tailors, women don’t wear clothes.
As for collection?  Collection includes more aspects, you know this...

      Keywords:Almighty urban overlord CanJianAAAA Almighty urban overlordRead the full text Almighty urban overlordTXT download

      Almighty urban overlordlatest chapter:Episode 1 [Life Potion] the end

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