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bloody battle hero

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category Historicauthor BingBuXieRenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2299112 Wordslatest update 2024-03-21
total hits 23Month hits 0Week hits 0
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bloody battle heroBrief introduction:

On the battlefield of self-defense and counterattack that was once full of passion and youthful songs, we defended the border, we defended our home and country, we fought for honor, we were the loveliest people of that era... Dear comrades, dear brothers and sisters, please don’t  Forget us!  By 2012, we have sacrificed our lives and blood to create thirty-three years of peace for our beloved motherland. Our unyielding souls live in the vast jungles of Kunlun. We are the cornerstones of today's prosperous world. We are well-deserved heroes!  !  !  Bloody battle hero!  !

      Keywords:bloody battle hero BingBuXieRen bloody battle heroRead the full text bloody battle heroTXT download

      bloody battle herolatest chapter:Text Chapter 421: Managing the Soviet Union

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