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Seal the dragon in another world

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category Fantasyauthor JinLiangXiaoZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3692953 Wordslatest update 2024-03-22
total hits 18Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Seal the dragon in another worldBrief introduction:

Ta Xiu was an ordinary sealing master assistant, living a life of half servant and half apprentice with no future. But one day, the sealing master returned from an outing and brought back... a dragon. The first dragon sealing card in the mainland was born, but at any time  What followed was the siege of countless adventurers.
The sealing master was defeated, and before he died, he sent Ta Xiu and the unique dragon-sealing card!
Holding the Dragon Sealing Card in hand, inheriting the unique sealing talent and the dragon power brought by controlling the dragon girl, Ta Xiu started from the campus, moving forward in the human world, the beast world, and the sea world!
ps: This book is very YY, there are many beauties, it’s very interesting!

      Keywords:Seal the dragon in another world JinLiangXiaoZi Seal the dragon in another worldRead the full text Seal the dragon in another worldTXT download

      Seal the dragon in another worldlatest chapter:Text Seven Hundred and Forty-Four Three Years

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