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category Historicauthor XiaoBeiLestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1910480 Wordslatest update 2024-03-22
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JiangshanyinBrief introduction:

??????????????????????????????????????????????Liu Feng
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Outside there were swords and shadows on the battlefield, and corpses wrapped in horse leather, while inside there were intrigues in the courts, noble families, and the entanglement of various forces.  In these troubled times, only by fighting hard and being startled step by step can we guide the country!
This is a fantasy, and it may not be unreasonable, but I hope you will laugh at it.

      Keywords:Jiangshanyin XiaoBeiLe JiangshanyinRead the full text JiangshanyinTXT download

      Jiangshanyinlatest chapter:Volume 1: Time is not yet here to be stained by dust. Chapter 34: In full swing

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