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Yu dominates the world

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category Historicauthor WoAiWaWastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 103253 Wordslatest update 2024-03-19
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Yu dominates the worldBrief introduction:

Zhang Hailong is a gangster who has gone through many ups and downs.  A negotiation and a calligraphy and painting made him travel through time.  The emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty is a tragic figure.  Blindly forbearing made him lose his country and his beloved woman, but what if it was a gangster version of Li Yu?  What can he bring to this era?

      Keywords:Yu dominates the world WoAiWaWa Yu dominates the worldRead the full text Yu dominates the worldTXT download

      Yu dominates the worldlatest chapter:Volume 1: Prince of Jianghuai County Chapter 23: Emperor Zhou Nu'e

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