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category Historicauthor TianZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1812819 Wordslatest update 2024-03-18
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ArrogantBrief introduction:

The grassroots who are struggling at the bottom of society, in order to fulfill their promise to take care of their sister and protect their brothers who are sincere and courageous, they try their best to climb up. Along the way, they are sad, funny, and cute!  Faced with the troubled times of foreign enemies to look at the distinguisons of the princes, is it a one -acre and three -pointer, freely, or take up the heavy responsibility of the world, and get up to be strong?

      Keywords:Arrogant TianZi ArrogantRead the full text ArrogantTXT download

      Arrogantlatest chapter:Text Chapter 245: The road ahead is long (with postscript!)

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