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category Historicauthor ZhuangBuZhoustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2465139 Wordslatest update 2024-03-18
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ChuBrief introduction:

In Daze Township, Lieutenant Gong couldn't help but smile helplessly as he listened to the distant cries of foxes in the woods: "Da Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng".  It happened to coincide with the first great peasant uprising in history. I don’t know whether it was a disaster or a blessing.
He couldn't think too much about the matter. The fire of revolution had been sown. He could no longer stay out of it. He had to make a choice.
So he threw himself into the fiery revolutionary wave without hesitation.
But he soon discovered that the time traveler was not omnipotent. The history known to later generations was full of fraud and lies, which could not make him unfavorable.
How will he survive and develop in this troubled world?
Book Club: Western Chu Dynasty, 23470572

      Keywords:Chu ZhuangBuZhou ChuRead the full text ChuTXT download

      Chulatest chapter:Text: Letter to book friends (remarks on completing this book)

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