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Song Yi

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category Historicauthor BanXianSuanMingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1362555 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 19Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Song YiBrief introduction:

It is said that in the early years of Xuanhe in the Song Dynasty, there was a good man in Weizhou City, who was generous with his wealth and good at fighting injustices. There was a man in the world who was called "Suppressing Guanxi".  To talk about the life story of this hero, we have to start from the beginning at the Zhuangyuan Bridge in Weizhou Prefecture. On that day Lu Tiha fled in a hurry, and the town of Guanxi could only take in the breath but not the breath. He saw that he could not survive, but he didn't want to  God took pity on him, and the man came back to life. His temperament changed drastically, and an official historian wrote: On that day, there was a great storm, and a star descended from the sky and attached itself to Zheng...

      Keywords:Song Yi BanXianSuanMing Song YiRead the full text Song YiTXT download

      Song Yilatest chapter:Text Chapter 158: Giving an official position to Zheng Tu and then commanding the army

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