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Slightly Acid Academy ABC

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category Fantasyauthor ftp1976status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 799094 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 18Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Slightly Acid Academy ABCBrief introduction:

However, in the three hundred years since the school was founded, no organization or individual has truly controlled the school until our protagonists stepped onto the school stage in 20030.  The age of eighteen to twenty-eight is the second and last stage for humans on the planet Akapov to acquire knowledge through specialized schools. During these ten years, our protagonists were happy, sad, angry, sad, disappointed and decadent.  .  But decades later, when they once again sat in the exclusive permanent reserved seats in the highest hotel in the academy, all the bitterness, sourness and sweetness in their hearts during those ten years... had slowly settled into a slightly sour taste like sweet orange.  .

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      Slightly Acid Academy ABClatest chapter:Text Chapter 27

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