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The whispers of Academy City

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category Sundriesauthor XuanMoustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 566273 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 1
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The whispers of Academy CityBrief introduction:

A sinful city beneath the surface glamour.
A person with super powers of the wind is constantly working hard for his own small expectations.
"The strong wind can tear the earth apart, and the gentle breeze can blow the hair. No matter how crazy the heart is, it can't cover up the tenderness in the heart.
The gentle wind whispers just in your ears.
Clean this city.

      Keywords:The whispers of Academy City XuanMou The whispers of Academy CityRead the full text The whispers of Academy CityTXT download

      The whispers of Academy Citylatest chapter:The Arrival of Two Angels Chapter 28 Joining the Gang

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