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star shuttle

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category Sundriesauthor JieCaoJiuShiWoLingShistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 613525 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 36Month hits 2Week hits 2
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

star shuttleBrief introduction:

A little lolita with an awkward personality who claimed to be a god fell from the sky. From then on, Chen Xiao began a journey of pain and joy. Star shuttler, the most respected profession in the universe, traveled among major forces. "Dear, this is called a machine gun!" Chen Xiao said to  A certain magical civilization said, "Dear, this is not magic!" Chen Xiao held a magic scroll and said to a certain technological civilization, "Hurry up! Call me sister!"

      Keywords:star shuttle JieCaoJiuShiWoLingShi star shuttleRead the full text star shuttleTXT download

      star shuttlelatest chapter:Volume 1: First Inheritance Chapter 16: Target!  Fukushima!

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