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Industrial China

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category Historicauthor XuePiaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 8363225 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Industrial ChinaBrief introduction:

Let us lead the era of giant ships and cannons!  Qin Kai, a future warrior, traveled back to the late Qing Dynasty with new Chinese technologies of the 23rd century, and created a new industrial China with the new Chinese technologies of the future.
Qin Kai said: "We are playing with technology, revitalizing industry, talking about ideas, defeating great powers, subverting imperial power, and promoting democracy... Okay, I am bragging. The illiteracy rate is 90%.  Democracy is scary in places where people live, so let’s focus on people’s livelihood. Even if people have money, they are afraid of not having democracy!”
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      Keywords:Industrial China XuePiao Industrial ChinaRead the full text Industrial ChinaTXT download

      Industrial Chinalatest chapter:Volume 3 The Glorious History of a Fleet Chapter 1345 The Moment of Decisive Battle (2)

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