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happy little farmer

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category Sundriesauthor MianTianDePanZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 904953 Wordslatest update 2024-03-14
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 1
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happy little farmerBrief introduction:

A young otaku accidentally got a ring, and his life changed drastically. From then on, he lived a leisurely and idyllic life.  After being in a cage for a long time, you can return to nature.  In the hustle and bustle of the city, you find that you have gradually lost yourself. The plain and natural rural style injects a clear spring into your heart... ———————————— Pure local writing, please collect and recommend it.  Thanks!

      Keywords:happy little farmer MianTianDePanZi happy little farmerRead the full text happy little farmerTXT download

      happy little farmerlatest chapter:Text 224. I know it’s not snow from afar, because there is a faint fragrance coming

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