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Lord of the White Dragon from Another World

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category Fantasyauthor DaZhongYanChongXiongMaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5687222 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 23Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Lord of the White Dragon from Another WorldBrief introduction:

What are you going to do when you become a time traveler?
Yalin: Maybe there are many time-traveling predecessors who like to use violence to solve everything, but I prefer to use the economy to control the lifeline of a country behind the scenes, use faith to control a race, and use profits to encourage others to pull chestnuts from the fire for me.  !  The supreme ruler of every country is a king, but behind the scenes every king is a puppet in my hands.
Yalin: Of course, all this is not due to me alone. I would also like to thank ZERO, the leader of a certain knighthood in mainland China who has been assisting me. The supreme ruler of the blood clan is known as the two queens of the Black and White Twin Moon Princess, and Neutra  The self-governing city has the president and other 'friends' with the title of 'God's Left Eye'!  Finally, I would like to thank my capable and loyal subordinates!
Keywords: alien animation summoning territory construction

      Keywords:Lord of the White Dragon from Another World DaZhongYanChongXiongMao Lord of the White Dragon from Another WorldRead the full text Lord of the White Dragon from Another WorldTXT download

      Lord of the White Dragon from Another Worldlatest chapter:Text Chapter 918: Order from God

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