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Summoner of Disaster

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category Fantasyauthor ZaoHuaZhaiZhustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2067129 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 17Month hits 2Week hits 0
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Summoner of DisasterBrief introduction:

The City of Thousand Sins is a place of imprisonment for exiled criminals in Luozhou in the west. The exiles are suffering from the magic soul chain and are never allowed to cross the border.  Tang Ning originally thought it would be difficult to escape from this place, until he obtained a curse summoning technique, gaining the ability to summon various cursed treasures.  The horse monkey must be broken, and the thousands of thorn thorns of the lucky E since ancient times, the sorrowful sorrow of the cream that will fall into the IQ is too false, and the sorrow of the soul ... seize the divine grid, explore the truth of the truth, the demon king, can't help telling!  There is a one-million-word completion guarantee, so stay tuned.

      Keywords:Summoner of Disaster ZaoHuaZhaiZhu Summoner of DisasterRead the full text Summoner of DisasterTXT download

      Summoner of Disasterlatest chapter:Volume 2: Magic Empire Chapter 113: Internal Strife

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