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Holy Spirit creates

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category Fantasyauthor FengZhiLanGestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 548591 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 16Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Holy Spirit createsBrief introduction:

In his sleep, Feng Feiyang had a bizarre and weird dream.
In that dream, he used a strange book as a guide to break away from his mortal identity and become a god.  He dreamed that he could freely shuttle between the vast crystal walls, spreading his glory to many planes in the lower material world, in order to gain faith, accept believers, accumulate strength, and then expand his territory in the upper material world, conquering all directions.  …
He had been dreaming about this for a long time... Just when he was about to decide the outcome with his final enemy, he woke up.
Then he suddenly discovered that the dream was reality!
This is a story that mixes a variety of elements. In order to realize the great dream of the harem knights, it is about grabbing money, land, and faith.

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