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The Dragon God of Prehistoric Times

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category Wuxiaauthor ShuiZhuJinXingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1129466 Wordslatest update 2024-03-13
total hits 18Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Dragon God of Prehistoric TimesBrief introduction:

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Kong Xuan, the son of Fengzu, is famous all over the world. As the head of the three clans, the Dragon clan really has no extremely strong people?  The Dragon Clan covers the whole world, but its strength is extremely weak. There is no strong person occupying such a huge sea area?  For hundreds of millions of years, where did the so-called angels and gods come from?  How can a rhombus interpret his legend in the wild?  There are laws of space, laws of time, and innate treasures.  There are also brothers, apprentices, and masters.  Visat, go the sky, just look at the mood!

      Keywords:The Dragon God of Prehistoric Times ShuiZhuJinXing The Dragon God of Prehistoric TimesRead the full text The Dragon God of Prehistoric TimesTXT download

      The Dragon God of Prehistoric Timeslatest chapter:Chapter 239: Finale of Nine States in the Wilderness

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