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Ace Returns

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category Comicsauthor QingQingMuCaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 600603 Wordslatest update 2024-03-13
total hits 12Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Ace ReturnsBrief introduction:

Some say he won't be selected in the draft
Some people say he won’t have a chance to play
Some people say he can’t be a starter
Later someone said that his team was a loser
He is not a leader
They can’t make the playoffs
They can’t get past the first round
Some people say that the Chinese will never be good
Some people say, some say, some say
Just say it, go ahead
And he will keep fighting
The ace returns, who will compete with him?
This is a basketball article that is very exciting but not too exciting, that’s it

      Keywords:Ace Returns QingQingMuCao Ace ReturnsRead the full text Ace ReturnsTXT download

      Ace Returnslatest chapter:Text Chapter 67 The Devil’s Smile

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