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destiny begins night

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category Sundriesauthor DaYangXiangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2694522 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 32Month hits 2Week hits 2
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destiny begins nightBrief introduction:

"Maybe your face is so dark because you were burned by ten suns. Ah, do you remember what your wish is? Do you want to fly to the moon and find your wife?"  Tohsaka
     ah?  Archer.
I'm going to kill someone.  Tohsaka.
Bear meat, bear meat, bear meat... brisket, brisket, brisket...
Right, his mother.  Tohsaka.
Saber: Huh?
You can throw yourself on me and hold me while you cry, and they won’t say anything.  Archer.
Shirou swears to God now, he really wants to strangle the woman in front of him to death.
Call me Grim... Hey, calm down.  Man in black
Sorry, I couldn’t help but watch the classic lines recently.  Man in black.

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