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category Fantasyauthor LaoZhustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2712598 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 21Month hits 1Week hits 0
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DoukaiBrief introduction:

In the eighth year of Taichang in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Meng Ju, a young officer with special skills, was demoted from Luojing to the frontier fortress, where he met the beautiful female boss Ye Canan, and his rapid rise began.  The lingering joys and sorrows of a lifetime, the unforgettable love and happy grievances, the magnificent Doukai War and the grievances of family and country compose a magnificent story of the great era.  Thank you for your support!
(Lao Zhu’s new Chinese style fantasy book after “Purple River”, I hope everyone will continue to like and support it.)

      Keywords:Doukai LaoZhu DoukaiRead the full text DoukaiTXT download

      Doukailatest chapter:Volume One Two Hundred and Twenty-Two Forgetting

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