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Wherever the immortal moves

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category Wuxiaauthor ShiShuiDongLiustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 136185 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 33Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Wherever the immortal movesBrief introduction:

An ordinary person has the foundation of thousands of cultivations. If you want to cultivate and become an immortal, you need to have the roots of the immortal spirit and the aura of universal Chinese spirit;
If you want to temper your body and transcend the ordinary world, you need to refine your Qi, build your foundation, form elixirs, and form your Nascent Soul...

      Keywords:Wherever the immortal moves ShiShuiDongLiu Wherever the immortal movesRead the full text Wherever the immortal movesTXT download

      Wherever the immortal moveslatest chapter:Text Volume 1 Fanqi Chapter 19 The Demon Group Attacks

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