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Wanli eighteenth year

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category Historicauthor MiaoJieSiDouMistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1794835 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
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Wanli eighteenth yearBrief introduction:

In the eighteenth year of Wanli, the famous minister Zhang Juzheng has passed away, and the young Emperor Wanli has begun to dictate the direction of the court.  At the same time, the Jianzhou Jurchens in Liaodong also began to gradually develop and grow, but Li Chengliang, who guarded Liaodong, had entered his twilight years.
Modern agent Wei Gang accidentally traveled to this time and space, and as a result, this time and space gradually became different from the original.

      Keywords:Wanli eighteenth year MiaoJieSiDouMi Wanli eighteenth yearRead the full text Wanli eighteenth yearTXT download

      Wanli eighteenth yearlatest chapter:Volume 1: The Storm Outside the Pass Chapter 131: Seeing the Nest Again

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