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Blood Paladin

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category Comicsauthor Lok-tarogarstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4465622 Wordslatest update 2024-03-12
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Blood PaladinBrief introduction:

Do you want to see the coquettish and charming Vashchi fall at your feet?
Want to fly in the Storm Fortress with an artifact?
Do you want to know why Archimonde stood under the wishing tree for a long time and eventually became an old man?
Want to experience the passion of Illidan holding the twin blades of Sinnoth and his mistress Maiev?
Do you want to know about the love and hatred between the blue dragon, his wife and Kil'jaeden?  Then watch "Blood Paladin"
Want to know all the answers?  !  There is only one way: collection, voting, and book review!  !  !
Knights: 159498797 (full) ~ 118332681 ~ Friends who are interested can come in and discuss together ~~

      Keywords:Blood Paladin Lok-tarogar Blood PaladinRead the full text Blood PaladinTXT download

      Blood Paladinlatest chapter:Volume 6: Gadgetzan feels grand Chapter 725: Summit Meeting - Part 1

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