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Jian Ao is reborn

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category Fantasyauthor MengBaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6151366 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 19Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Jian Ao is rebornBrief introduction:

The sword god Feng Ziyue entered the Tao with his sword and broke through the innate realm.  With a sword coming from the west, the world bowed, but he encountered misfortune in his life and his relatives were separated. Although he was invincible, he also had boundless regrets.
By chance, he got a secret manual "Tai Xuan Induction Chapter" that could give a glimpse into a higher realm of martial arts. He was besieged by masters and was destroyed.
When he woke up, he found that he was reborn and returned to his youth thirty years ago.
All regrets can be made up for; and the highest realm of swordsmanship can also be broken through again!

      Keywords:Jian Ao is reborn MengBai Jian Ao is rebornRead the full text Jian Ao is rebornTXT download

      Jian Ao is rebornlatest chapter:Volume One [Chapter 679: A Different Plot]

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