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Thunder Jue

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category Wuxiaauthor MiLuDeXiaoMaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2154728 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 32Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Thunder JueBrief introduction:

Everything in the world has its laws, and the Five Elements are the foundation.  However, God’s sharp weapon is called thunder!  Wherever the thunder passes, everything is destroyed... The full attributes of the five elements are only the basis. The magical jade is used to guide the destiny. Life is like a chess game. I am the pioneer. Facing the chaos of the world, let's see how he can win the world.  .  .
?Young and ignorant: Only then do you regret it after things have changed.
Martial arts feud: Where should the sword in my hand go?
The national crisis is at the forefront: When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible!
The foreign race is shocked: Anyone who offends our heavenly power will be punished no matter how far away!
The mystery of his life experience: I searched for him thousands of times in my dream, and looked back at him at dusk.  .  .

      Keywords:Thunder Jue MiLuDeXiaoMao Thunder JueRead the full text Thunder JueTXT download

      Thunder Juelatest chapter:Volume 3 (Part 1) A Troubled Official Career Chapter 420: Emperor's Secret

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