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Immortal from another world

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category Fantasyauthor JinBaiYestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3790719 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 19Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Immortal from another worldBrief introduction:

"The heart is connected, the wings are attached, the body gathers the five elements to refine chaos"
The place where the great god Fuxi practiced Bagua
The spread of the bloodline allowed the disabled young man to obtain Fuxi's training method by chance.  In this way, the five elements of vitality are collected on the mainland, and the five elements are gathered together to form Tai Chi.  Perform Tai Chi and return to chaos

      Keywords:Immortal from another world JinBaiYe Immortal from another worldRead the full text Immortal from another worldTXT download

      Immortal from another worldlatest chapter:Volume 1: Only God can set a risk. Millions of dollars are not enough. Chapter 126: Successfully ove

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