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The remaining way of heaven

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category Fantasyauthor YangShiYeMaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1409482 Wordslatest update 2024-03-12
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The remaining way of heavenBrief introduction:

Refining weapons to forge magic weapons, refining medicine to save the common people, refining gold to create miracles;
"Mercenaries roam the world, assassinations leave no trace, and demons fight against gods;
The heart of the iron blood, pleasure and revenge, Shenlong howl.
The path of the strong man is to block gods and kill them, to block monsters and to destroy monsters. The heart of a strong man can be used as a guide to the heavens.
Look at the life of Xue Bin and his brothers, which is full of magic and danger.
See how Xue Bin and his brothers step from the bottom to the top;
See how Xue Bin and his brothers kill the gods, destroy the demon emperor, and fight against the sky.
Mao Yan: It depends on you that God will live, and God will see that I live.

      Keywords:The remaining way of heaven YangShiYeMao The remaining way of heavenRead the full text The remaining way of heavenTXT download

      The remaining way of heavenlatest chapter:Volume 3 Chapter 353 Bloody Night in the Imperial Capital

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