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Dragon King from Another World

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category Fantasyauthor LongJiaNiShaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3029091 Wordslatest update 2024-03-12
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Dragon King from Another WorldBrief introduction:

"Thousands of years have passed, and the vastness has passed;
Hehe Qiankun, the world has fallen.
Laughing at the world, who would reshape all things that day to restore all things!  ?
The fleeting light cannot stop the heroic dragon soul. With a three-foot cold front, he dares to make the world bow to him!
Ten thousand years ago, he died at the hands of his beloved woman. Ten thousand years later, he awakened from a giant sky pillar!
Ten thousand years ago, heaven and earth abandoned him; ten thousand years later, everyone killed him.
In order to find the mystery of his life, an ordinary man goes through all kinds of dangers to find the mysterious ancient scroll that was divided into four parts, and to search for the ancient fighting spirits from all directions...
But in the end, he discovered that he turned out to be...

      Keywords:Dragon King from Another World LongJiaNiShao Dragon King from Another WorldRead the full text Dragon King from Another WorldTXT download

      Dragon King from Another Worldlatest chapter:Volume Five: Killing Corpses and Refining Demons Chapter 821: Finale

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