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Reborn invulnerable

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category Romanceauthor ZhangBaiBaiYiShengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1360757 Wordslatest update 2024-03-12
total hits 19Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Reborn invulnerableBrief introduction:

If it is not black, it cannot be white, and if it is not white, it cannot be black.
Ye Jin’s world was once not all black and all white, but what is the end of the clear black and white?
After rebirth, he can choose black and white as he pleases, thick black and light white without restraint.
The Silent Lambs also have tusks. They usually eat grass and occasionally eat meat. The sheep that follow me have soup to drink.
Men all know how to lust after women. In fact, women can also lust after men. Ye Jin is the person they think is worse than a beast.
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