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category Wuxiaauthor BanZhiXiaoLangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5953043 Wordslatest update 2024-03-15
total hits 33Month hits 0Week hits 0
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TongtianxiandaoBrief introduction:

"The vast ancient road, looking for the door to immortality."
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:???????????? Baiyi is determined to walk alone on the path of immortality.
This is a most boring and obscene journey of passionate cultivation.
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      Keywords:Tongtianxiandao BanZhiXiaoLang TongtianxiandaoRead the full text TongtianxiandaoTXT download

      Tongtianxiandaolatest chapter:Boundless Sea of ??Blood Chapter 13: Enlightenment!

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