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immortality gene

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category Fantasyauthor ShenJiTangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 548552 Wordslatest update 2024-03-11
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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immortality geneBrief introduction:

This book tells the story of a young man’s step-by-step process of cultivating the gene for immortality.  In the future world, genes are king. Let’s see how Wu Tong achieves immortality.  Style trend: imaginative and unconventional.
The realm of genetic magic is divided into five levels, namely the method level, the acupoint level, the soul level, the truth level, and the immortal level.

      Keywords:immortality gene ShenJiTang immortality geneRead the full text immortality geneTXT download

      immortality genelatest chapter:真梦神通 新书《天客》

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