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Iron Fist of Rebirth

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category Romanceauthor DaoFengQiWustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3201088 Wordslatest update 2024-03-11
total hits 23Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Iron Fist of RebirthBrief introduction:

Zhao Changtian was reborn and returned to the summer of shame in 1991. He wanted to take a different official path. He wanted to lead his family to build a brilliant business empire.
Once again, he wanted to enjoy those things heartily——
The enrichment brought by rights!  The satisfaction that money brings!  The joy that love brings!  The security that comes with control!
This is not documentary literature, but you can see what you want to see here.

      Keywords:Iron Fist of Rebirth DaoFengQiWu Iron Fist of RebirthRead the full text Iron Fist of RebirthTXT download

      Iron Fist of Rebirthlatest chapter:Text Chapter 741: Keep walking with me (finale)

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