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Tao Xin Xiu Demon Biography

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category Wuxiaauthor QinZhiShistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5893906 Wordslatest update 2024-03-11
total hits 21Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Tao Xin Xiu Demon BiographyBrief introduction:

The spiritual roots of the genius who cultivated immortals were completely destroyed, and his Tao foundation was completely gone.  Once he fell into a useless state, he became a laughing stock in the world of immortality.
How does Xu Han face the abandonment of his family and the humiliation of breaking off the engagement?
Since I can’t cultivate to immortality, then I will plant demonic seeds with my Taoist heart, return to the top of cultivation, and become a heaven-defying demonic immortal!
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      Keywords:Tao Xin Xiu Demon Biography QinZhiShi Tao Xin Xiu Demon BiographyRead the full text Tao Xin Xiu Demon BiographyTXT download

      Tao Xin Xiu Demon Biographylatest chapter:Volume 2: Lingyun Sect Fighting, Chapter 667: Change

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