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The Righteous Path to Immortality

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category Wuxiaauthor NianHongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4243099 Wordslatest update 2024-03-11
total hits 18Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Righteous Path to ImmortalityBrief introduction:

According to ancient legend, the ancient god Fuxi created eight techniques for cultivating the heart, which are called Fuxi’s Eight Techniques.  If someone obtains these eight peerless secrets, he can obtain the path of spiritual cultivation left by Fuxi in the human world, enter the supreme divine realm in one fell swoop, and become a true god. He will coexist with the sun and the moon in heaven and earth, and will be immortal and eternally free from reincarnation.
And this story begins with a seemingly ordinary boy...

      Keywords:The Righteous Path to Immortality NianHong The Righteous Path to ImmortalityRead the full text The Righteous Path to ImmortalityTXT download

      The Righteous Path to Immortalitylatest chapter:Text Chapter 753 The Thirteenth Five-Year Plan of the Sword in the Central Plains (9:49)

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