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Ghost question

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category Sundriesauthor DanChenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 983351 Wordslatest update 2024-03-10
total hits 17Month hits 1Week hits 1
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Ghost questionBrief introduction:

The protagonist Li Chen was originally an ordinary high school student. An accident caused him to obtain a strange book "The Secret Book of Folk Magic", which changed his life's destiny and made him fall into one supernatural incident after another and unable to extricate himself.  Moreover, he has been cursed and there will be a bloody disaster within five years. Can he remove the curse and change his destiny?
Let’s see how the protagonist uses earthy ancient magic to deal with various supernatural events that cannot be explained by science.
This book is the second part of "The Ghost Calling the Door in the Midnight", but there is no relationship between the two. The main purpose is to write a more perfect supernatural novel than the former, so that I will have no regrets.
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