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Chronicles of Official Affairs

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category Fantasyauthor WenLingXianRenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5274746 Wordslatest update 2024-03-10
total hits 16Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Chronicles of Official AffairsBrief introduction:

"I don't want to be an official but I choose to be an official. I don't want to be promoted but I choose to be promoted."
Throughout the officialdom, Chang Ning encountered powerful opponents one after another. During his twenty-five-year official career, Chang Ning had many ups and downs along the way. Chang Ning didn’t know whether tomorrow would be a failure or a success.
From a small technician and workshop director to the secretary of the provincial party committee of a province in Xinjiang, on the long road to politics, beautiful and charming people of the opposite sex continue to emerge.
     what to do?  The curse of June always haunts Chang Ning. Is it luck or disaster?
Different officialdom, different life, different emotional stories, different protagonists...

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