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Rebirth of an industrial empire

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category Romanceauthor LaMoDeMaYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4786504 Wordslatest update 2024-03-08
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Rebirth of an industrial empireBrief introduction:

A chance to start over, a check worth 50 million yuan, the latest model of a beautiful car, a high-end villa, a popular Weibo, a company worth 1.5 billion yuan, a true lover, a  The opportunity to take photos with autographs from idols, a warm home that never quarrels, an obedient pet, and a carbon-based nanobiological cell.  .  .
God, Jin Xiaoqiang had a chance to choose three from N, what did he choose?
I am willing to be a stingy and dare to pull the BMW Mercedes -Benz!
Go the way of Audi and leave Audi with nowhere to go!
From the era of being a loser to a millionaire, this is how the king of copycats was born, and this is how an industrial empire was established!  !  !

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