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Totori s journey to another world

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category Fantasyauthor YuanGuChengZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1299916 Wordslatest update 2024-03-08
total hits 50Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Totori s journey to another worldBrief introduction:

Su Yue thought he had a dream, but when he got up in the morning, a creature with a big cloud tail, a cat body, a steamed bun face with red eyes, and pink and white rabbit ears that looked like claws appeared on the bedside.  Oh, by the way, this guy's name is Kyubey.
     asshole!  Why does this nasty thing appear on the bedside!
But fortunately, this strange creature did not ask Su Yue to sign a contract to become a magical girl. It just told her: You have become a god and you can sign a contract with girls to make them your magical girls. Your ability is obtained through cosplay.  The attributes and combat power of the cosplayer characters. It is recommended to cosplay Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Shana, Aria, etc. on a daily basis to facilitate self-protection. When prepared for battle, you can cosplay Yakumo Murasaki, Takamachi Nanoha, Shikama Maruka, etc.  Strengthen combat power...
     Huh!  It sounds great, but why do you want to cosplay into a girl?
Kyubey said: Because you are full of two-dimensional girls, I turned you into a girl to facilitate cosplay and maximize your combat power.  So, from today on, your name is Totori!
Su Yue couldn’t help but put his hand under his body. The familiar male logo had disappeared!
     "……"asshole!  What exactly is going on!

      Keywords:Totori s journey to another world YuanGuChengZi Totori s journey to another worldRead the full text Totori s journey to another worldTXT download

      Totori s journey to another worldlatest chapter:Volume 3: The Maid and Her Black Dragon Finale: Totori’s Journey to Another World

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