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True Immortal of Yuanshen

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category Wuxiaauthor XiaoYeHanQiustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2757098 Wordslatest update 2024-03-08
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True Immortal of YuanshenBrief introduction:

The true immortal of the Yuanshen steps on the crape myrtle, touches the Yaoguang, raises his eyes to the sky, and is independent from the world.
"The clock of creation is beautiful, the yin and yang cut off the dawn, the devil eats the nine yin, the feathers fall in colorful colors, the stars change by chance, and the broken sky is real.
??The sky of God is so thunderous that it reaches the sky and forgets to return.

      Keywords:True Immortal of Yuanshen XiaoYeHanQiu True Immortal of YuanshenRead the full text True Immortal of YuanshenTXT download

      True Immortal of Yuanshenlatest chapter:Volume 4 Remarks on the Release

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