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Xuan Shen

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category Wuxiaauthor GuZiShengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5349188 Wordslatest update 2024-03-07
total hits 22Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Xuan ShenBrief introduction:

When he was ten years old, he killed the second son of the Rakshasa sect, a super powerful sect, and formed a deadly feud from then on.  When he was sixteen years old, he accidentally saw a beautiful girl taking a bath. He was mistaken for a prostitute and became entangled with her.  The power behind the beautiful girl is even more unfathomable.  "The road to advancement is full of dangers, but Long Tian Lingran is not afraid, God blocks and kills God, and adventures continue..."

      Keywords:Xuan Shen GuZiSheng Xuan ShenRead the full text Xuan ShenTXT download

      Xuan Shenlatest chapter:Volume 8 Chapter 721 The Legend of the Holy Lord (Final)

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