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Royal King

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category Fantasyauthor YuMingChangTianstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 876909 Wordslatest update 2024-03-07
total hits 17Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Royal KingBrief introduction:

A deal with the devil, a future gambled with his soul, when the whole world burned to ashes, he just wanted her whom he loved deeply to still be by his side.  Even if love is as dark as a firefly, it will break through the sinking.
However, he has suffered too much pain due to hatred, and the pain of despair and death is too insignificant compared to it.  When his last consciousness disappeared, the held palm contained infinity, and he vaguely heard a voice whispering in the clouds: The king will return.  The divine wind blowing thousands of miles away from time immemorial, leaving no inch of land untouched, swept across the world, evoking the legend of the only sleeping king who could change the world.
This is a world where magic and equipment coexist, and it is also a new era of warriors.

      Keywords:Royal King YuMingChangTian Royal KingRead the full text Royal KingTXT download

      Royal Kinglatest chapter:Yu Wang Volume 3: The Magnificent World and the Inherent Boundary

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