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Reborn in the Three Kingdoms  I am Cao Ang

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category Historicauthor DaHaQistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2330284 Wordslatest update 2024-03-07
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Reborn in the Three Kingdoms  I am Cao AngBrief introduction:

The unlucky man who was hit by a truck was reborn and possessed a second life.  Is it a good thing or a bad thing?  ...
The autumn wind is rustling, the water is dangerous and the weather is cold.  In the second year of Jian'an, 197 AD, the music of the Chinese harp and music played beautifully in the Chinese military tent outside Wancheng.  Cao Cao, who had just accepted Zhang Xiu's surrender, was enjoying the sweetness of the beautiful Zou in his arms in the Chinese army tent.  But I saw a young man with a miserable face on the edge of Yushui outside the military camp, sighing helplessly to the sky, "God! Are you blind! What evil deeds have I done, and you actually let me?"  Leaning over Cao Ang, who is about to return to the west?"
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      Reborn in the Three Kingdoms  I am Cao Anglatest chapter:第五卷 深思熟虑后的决定

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